
End of The Line is a project that combines a love of mine (exploration and travel), with a deep passion (photography).


My goal with this project is to ride every subway line to their end, explore and take in the nearby areas, and consolidate these findings to provide New Yorkers, tourists, and anyone else curious a unique perspective as to what’s hiding at both ends of all 23 of New York City’s subway lines.

Adventure Materials Needed

  • Metrocard

  • Camera

  • Journal

  • Open mind

Execution Strategy & Output


Upon return from each adventure I embark on, via photos shared on here on my website + my personal Instagram story (@noahwilskey), I will be giving viewers a look into each of these different destinations.


After completing and sharing at least 9 different End Line stories, I will launch the official @EndlineNYC Instagram page and populate with the already completed content. Further, this page will house all photos of upcoming End Line Adventures and any other relevant content.

(end result)

When all 46 unique experiences are completed and posts shared on the @EndlineNYC IG page, I then plan to turn these posts into physical pages within a visual guidebook I hope to create, produce and sell to the public. All in effort to show what’s “out there” at the End of the Line.

Concept + Design Credit: Noah Wilskey

Concept + Design Credit: Noah Wilskey


Unless otherwise noted, all ideation, artwork conceptualization + design, photography, copywriting, and anything else you see here is original content and should not be repurposed or reused unless given my consent - email